Photography products, services, and information
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Check out our online store:
We have a variety of products available, including cameras, lenses, flashes, lens caps, body caps, camera straps, camera and lens cases, film, batteries, and picture frames, with more to come.
Check out our various services:
*local is Southeastern Ontario, Canada
(within Kingston, Ottawa, Cornwall triangle)
digital images
- represented by stepped digital values (electronic images on disks or cards)
analog images
- represented by a continuously variable physical means (images on roll or sheet film)
Images can be easily converted between digital and analog, but with every conversion there is a loss of quality. Digital images (digital cameras and scanners) haven't been around anywhere near as long as analog images (film cameras), but they are quickly taking over in popularity. The first digital cameras were very expensive and couldn't come anywhere near the quality of film cameras, but they provide a pretty close match now, and at prices many people can afford. However, there are, and always will be, advantages to each type.
Here is just a brief overview of more things coming soon:
- Comparing digital and analog (film) photography
- Photography tips, tricks and techniques - added Feb 5, 2007
- Darkroom tips, tricks and techniques
- Sources of photo equipment and supplies
- How to figure out what products you need or want
- Where to buy quality photos and posters
- More products and services of our own - being added all the time
Download PDF format Minolta camera manuals here.
Other manuals coming later.
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